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Welcome to the STAIRS project!

What is the STAIRS project?

STAIRS is a project of Content.UA, the first socially important marketing agency in Ukraine.

Our mission

The STAIRS project helps vulnerable social groups, in particular internally displaced people, see as many opportunities as possible, find a new, in-demand profession, and get a high-paying job.

Ми робимо сторінки брендів у соцмережах «живими», створюємо атмосферу позитиву, професіоналізму й довіри. Залучаємо аудиторію і формуємо навколо бренда співтовариство зацікавлених користувачів.

Що в підсумку?

Заповніть, будь ласка, бриф. Ми зв'яжемося з вами,
щоб предметно обговорити завдання.

We teach
How to switch

Today, 89% of displaced people
want to change careers and work online.*
And the STAIRS project will help them achieve this goal.

Why is it important?*
82% of the study participants have a university degree.
53% do not work but would like to.
14,5% of employees are unsatisfied with their job position.
89% would like to change careers and work online.
*According to the results of the Content.UA study

We developed a 4-week retraining program, which includes:

And other helpful and interesting tips

40 hours of lectures about online professions

22 hours of English (professional vocabulary)

12+ hours of psychological support

16 hours of meetings with potential employers

16 hours on online tools (Google, Jira, Miro, etc.) and CV preparation

При разработке проектов КСО мы опираемся на ЦСР (цели устойчивого развития), разработанные и утвержденные ООН
в 2015 году

We will employ the most successful and motivated graduates in Content.UA and our clients' and partners' companies

Contact us if you are interested in becoming our partners, investors, mentors, or friends :)

How it all began
STAIRS began in 2020 as a mentoring program for teenagers in partnership with the Mentoring Association for Children and Youth.

We held webinars and live meetings on career guidance, giving people a chance to try themselves in various digital professions.

The war in Ukraine pushed us to expand the program for those in need.
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